Some photos taken from Sheila and Antoine's house


Two views of Ararat, as seen from the backyard (the white peak in the middle in both)

Morning at the Terjanian's house, front view.
Anyone considering a future visit to Armenia must consider staying
in one of their B&B network run homes:
Click here for their B&B network, it's definitely worth a stay here

Plenty of these beautiful birds around, 
someone told me it is a Gakav (partridge), but I doubt it.
The long tails while in flight are impressive


  1. Aram Jan:
    The bird in your photo is a magpie (կաչաղակ - les pies voleuses) watch-out, they are known to steal keys :-) and the truck in our entrance is not ours.... probably the neighbor next door didn't shovel enough space in his driveway so he parked it there...
    You should watch for our Armenian eagle. He usually flies-up around noon from the south side of our valley, using the wind, he then circles around and climbs up in the high Vardenis mountain range.
    In your photo of Ararat, you can see the Թուխ Մանուկ mountain-pass that you used to come to Yeghegnadzor from Yerevan.


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