Soldiers' families: difficult day...

 Today was an emotional day. I visited a host of families in surrounding regions, all very close to the border with Nakhichevan, who had a father, son, brother and even grandfather who either died during the recent war, or are missing. Given the relatively limited funds on offer, I asked Syunik NGO how we could help those most in need in the region. As such, Syunik NGO created a list of 50 names and families from this province, families of the missing or dead with children, who were considered most in need. How cruel to need to pick and choose who to support...

Each will receive 50,000AMD, about $125 Canadian, from this fund: the hope is that this would provide each family with about a month's worth of goods. These families will eventually receive funds from the Armenian government as well, but the bureaucracy takes time to reach everyone in a timely manner. Though mostly symbolic, I hope that my mere presence, hearing their stories and explaining that Diasporan Armenians care about what happens in Armenia would provide some of these people with a modicum of comfort.

Because of the snowfall here, roads are not as passable as they would otherwise be: as such, my previously mentioned schedule changed somewhat, and so I met with and distributed funds to 9 soldiers' families today, two of whom had 2 soldiers lost from the same family. It was painful and difficult to hear and see such raw emotion. I had no idea what to say most of the time. The body of one family's loved one was only found last week, the mother was dishevelled. One mother lost two of her five sons. Most difficult for me was meeting with with the families of 2 loved ones whose bodies were never recovered, living with the faint hope that they may still be alive. Some, when prompted, related how the soldiers died.

I met one very dynamic and friendly woman who lost her 49 year old husband, and whose son is wounded and in hospital. She seemed very appreciative that I was there in person, which made me feel like I wasn't completely useless. Otherwise, I mean... what can one say, really? Everyone was relatively poor, but that's not really news anymore.

I am very tired and it's late... A photographer accompanied us and took pictures but I have none to share now, it will have to be for another post


  1. Thank you, Aram, for this. Let's hope we can do more.

  2. Wow very emotional indeed Aram.
    Finite resources aside, at least some families will have some direct aid in this difficult situation .

  3. Ouf ! How heartbreaking. I think about these families every day. What can anyone say or do to console them. Their loss is too heavy to bear. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. -Lorna


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